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Zombies in Love

Some BIG news!!!

The Mango Chunks have got involved in a mission to re-store Sweden to one of the Europe’s leading countries.

But it’s not within sport or politics or the field of ideas that we will compete, no it’s something much more important than that, it’s… Melodifestivalen!!!

That’s right, we are competing on to be part of Melodifestivalen 2011. It started as a joke but quickly got out of hand and now we are one of 232 competitors each hoping to get enough votes to get through to the main competition next year.

So, we need your vote! In fact, Sweden needs your vote!!! (but mostly we need your vote).

Please go to

or SMS:a 328 till 72211 (Swedish Mobiles only). Costs 3.60Kr per SMS

Each mobile can vote up to a hundred times, so vote early and vote often! 😉

In 1 weeks time they will throw out the 132 songs with the least votes, so please let all your friends know and give us a plug on Facebook, Twitter etc.

Thanks and see you at Globen! 😉

The Mangos

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